The Investigate with Jam crew took a creature walk to the playground. During our journey, we tried our best to count all the creatures we could find. As expected we saw too many birds so we decided to only count the single ones and not the flock. As we looked for different animals and insects we started to notice their homes and potential hiding places. It was fun trying to guess what creatures could live in each place. Our simple creature walk also turned out to be a magical experience. Did you know in Laurel Maryland you could find elephants, peacocks, and lions on a walk to the playground? It’s true…. well according to Kal. He even pointed to a red and blue peacock, and I got a picture of it. Can you see it? Try closing your eyes. Can you see it now? I told you a magical experience. I love the imagination at work. Our final count was as follows: 11 squirrels 7 birds 3 crows 1 falcon/ hawk (there was some debate) 1 butterfly 1 lion 2 elephant 1 peacock 10 nests ActivityTake a creature walk on you next walking trip.
Case study #15- creature walk. Look for something that flies, walks, hops, crawls, or swims. List what you find.
Investigate with Jam is an activity blog in the
Radicle Roots Series. Our mission is to get out and explore our environment. #iwjFunJoin the investigation & share your fun with
#IWJFUN on Instagram AuthorCourtney McQueen is a landscape designer and children's book author from Columbia, MD Archives
August 2017